Tuesday, September 21, 2010

In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines...

Day of Departure

It took me a while to come up with the perfect name for my blog.  And here it is: In an old house in Paris...the first line in the Madeline books.  It really is fate that is responsible for my obsession with all things French.  And, it began at a young age when I was given my first Madeline book. 
So, here I am, with only a couple hours left here in my house in Cincinnati, before I move to France for seven months.  And, I'm nervous!  Still need to rethink my packing arrangements.  I packed way too much crap and I waited until the last minute to do it.  Oh well, I made sure I got all the important things in this last week, all of the necessary American things that I won't be able to enjoy overseas:  breakfast, barbeque, burgers, and baseball.  Notice how most of these things are food.  You know American food might be one of the things I'll miss the most, pretty sad, I know.  Well I guess I'll miss all of you guys too!  You know these seven months will go by fast and soon I'll get to see all of you again and share my stories.  Until then: come visit!  Read my blog!  and remember, I just got a magic jack so I can make free call to the US, so I'll be calling you all the time!    


  1. salut! did you know that there is another mercy grad doing this program? she is in a small town in normandie - her name is emma muccillo - you should find her on facebook:) she did it last year, loved it and is going back for round two.....bon courage! j'attends avec grand plaisir ton blog!

  2. Salut Mme Smock!
    How are you? No, I didn't know there was another Mercy grad in the program, I will definitely have to try to meet up with her! I'm having fun already and I haven't even started teaching yet. Have any teaching advice?
