Monday, November 8, 2010

Happy Guy Fawkes Day!

Hello everyone, I can't believe it's been almost a month since my last post.  I've just been so busy doing absolutely nothing- since the past couple of weeks have been the Toussaint holiday, or All Saints Day vacation- yes, we got almost 2 weeks off for All Saints Day.  Well, that's not completely true, I did do some stuff, like go to Auchan to visit Mounia.  Mounia works at Auchan, a huge grocery store right next to a shopping mall, apparently the biggest shopping mall in Europe.  I find that hard to believe since it's only about a third of the size of Kenwood Mall.  But, anyway, I also did a little traveling over the break- went to Lille and Brussels with another assistant for a couple of days which was nice.  And I've also made some new friends.  I've been hanging out at my landlord's house a lot recently lol.  He has a son who studied in Cincinnati for a semester(at UC), weird I know.  So, he speaks English and recently has been preparing for a few interviews for jobs in London so he wanted to practice his English.  And he helps me practice French too.  I also managed to find some other assistants living here in Lens!- a Scottish girl who is here with her English boyfriend and an Irish guy.  I think we're going to make Le Mac Ewan's, the pub across the street from my apartment, a weekly hangout so that should be fun. 
So, just started back to school at the end of last week and I'm already ready for another break.  We started back just in time for Guy Fawkes Day, so a couple of the teachers asked me to talk a little bit about this English holiday which I knew nothing about before Friday.  So, they gave me a little video about it to watch to prepare for the lesson.  The lessons went pretty well...Guy Fawkes Day isn't too complicated...for those of you who don't know it's a day in England that they celebrate because the king was saved.  Back in the 1600s, on November 5th Guy Fawkes was caught trying to blow up Parliament and was executed.  So, every November 5th, the British celebrate the fact that he failed by having barbecues, bonfires, and watching fireworks.  As I was saying, the lessons did go pretty well until the end of the day.  The last lesson was supposed to be with Jessica, but lucky me she had to leave for a few mintues and had me start the lesson.  It wouldn't have been so bad, but I couldn't get the t.v. working to start the video so the kids went a little crazy.  I guess they're not the little angles that I thought they were...I saw a different side of them and they saw a different side of me lol, a ticked off Miss Broerman.  But, thankfully I was able to kind of get things under control once I just decided to skip the movie and move on, and now I guess I know what to do next time.  I learn as I go.